Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pro-Bowl Shenanigans

Last weekend, I was lucky enough to have 50 yard line tickets to the Pro Bowl. My Dad knew one of the NFL's Director of Media Associates and she was kind enough to give us those free tickets. We were sitting right above John Madden and Al Michaels!

During the game I was fooling around with my Dad's camera and snapped this shot of the NY Giants punter. When I looked at the aftershot through the lens, I instantly thought...I'm gonna use this for my blog! When the punter drops the ball, it falls to the ground with gravity at a rate of 9.8 meters per second. This means that once the ball is dropped, he must quickly bring his leg forward to kick it before it hits the ground. That has to be fast. The ball falls to the ground at that rate of acceleration each second if you calculate out the resistance factor. After one second, the ball would have fallen 9.8 meters; after two, the ball would have fallen 19.6 meters.

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