Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ski Lift = Capacitor

When Mr. Kohara was first explaining what a capacitor was and related it to a ski lift, at first I did not see the relation. After looking over some pictures from my past ski trip, I finally made the correlation. A ski lift is just like a capacitor in the fact that when the skiier goes up the mountain on the lift, it is just like a battery recharging the capacitor and when the skiier gets off the lift and races down the mountain (with its gained charge), it is just like the capacitor releasing all its charge at once. These pictures were taken on my ski trip to Big White last spring break. Now I can finally relate to how/why a ski lift is just like a capacitor. The skiier gains charge going up the mountain; releases all that gained charge when quickly coming down...


kohara said...

right on, Matt. Btw, I've never heard of Big White. Where's that?

Matt Martines said...

Big White is actually in Canada. Further inland and about a 1 hour flight from Vancouver International. Located in Kelowna...